—— 津村光平《學生街殺人》

—— 加賀恭一郎《當祈禱落幕時》

—— 津村光平《學生街殺人》

2013年7月28日 星期日

「映画 謎解きはディナーのあとで」新加坡首映禮 追蹤


以《映画 謎解きはディナーのあとで》開始再好不過!



xinmsn 報道(2013年7月28日)翻譯:









翔還讓粉絲們推薦給朋友,說了“Terima Kasih”。




For a country that was once namedropped by the likes of Chow Yun Fatt in his Pirates of the Caribbean cameo (“Welcome to Singapore!”) and chosen as one of many pit-stops in The Amazing Race season 16, Singapore now has another movie accolade to add to her list of achievements: as the main filming location of an Asian title, Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de (The After-Dinner Mysteries).

This Japanese film which stars Sho Sakurai, Keiko Kitagawa and Kippei Shiinai was such a hush-hush project that its main leads’ two-week long stay in Singapore for filming purposes went unnoticed by fans and the local media. Both Sho and Kippei even had the chance to indulge in a few touristy activities such as having a meal along Boat Quay and going on a cable car ride to Sentosa during their free time.

So, how did they manage to keep it under tight wraps? Uh, that’s a mystery we’ll never know… what we do know though, is that Kippei (Inspector Kazamatsuri) is head over heels in love with the Merlion and Sho had chilli crabs right after he touched down - little nuggets of information they revealed during the media session at Raffles Hotel.

Sharing his best memories of the island, Kippei, 50, proudly declared, “I love the Merlion!” in Japanese. “The next time I come to Singapore for a job, I want to enjoy swimming in the pool and stay in a hotel that gives me a great view of the Merlion,” said the humourous veteran.

Keiko Kitagawa and Kippei Shiinai in Singapore
'Nazotoki' stars Keiko Kitagawa and Kippei Shiinai in Singapore

Unlike Kippei, Sho seemed less enamoured by the Singapore icon. His most striking impression of the country was an encounter he had with two girls when he was having a meal at a food court in Little India - all by himself. “The two girls were sitting there with me but they couldn’t recognise me. It was such a pity,” said the 31-year-old, at the movie’s world premiere event in Marina Bay Sands Theatre.

Keiko Kitagawa in Singapore
Keiko Kitagawa on the red carpet walk in Singapore

Playing Kageyama, an astute and enigmatic butler who’s Jeeves by day and Sherlock by night, Sho’s life in reality is just as much a mystery as his character is in the movie. In case you’re wondering why there aren’t photos of the actor in this article, it’s due to the global no-photo policy enforced by his management company, Johnny’s Entertainment. Despite the strict photo ban imposed online, fans still had a field day snapping shots of their idol when he hit the red carpet with his co-stars and ‘Nazotoki’ director Masato Hijikata.
Kippei Shiinai
Kippei has fun with fans on the red carpet
Having worked together on both the drama and special episode, Sho told xinmsn that his chemistry with Keiko has grown due to the trust they have in one another. Likening their working relationship to that of their butler and heiress characters, Keiko added, “I respect him a lot and depend on him a lot. And this will also be reflected between our characters in the movie.”

While they appeared reserved during their interview with the local media, the duo opened up to fans at the red carpet event later in the evening. They bantered on stage after the movie screening, and Keiko even teased fans about a back hug she and Sho shared in the movie. “I’m sure that will be their [movie goers] favourite part of the show,” she grinned cheekily.

“Maybe all female fans can substitute Kitagawa-san as themselves [to enjoy the hug],' she lightheartedly joked, as Sho agreed, chiming in jest, “And the male audience can substitute [me] as themselves to enjoy the same [hug with Kitagawa-san].”

Want a back hug with either of the leads? Sure, watch the movie and imagine it, so says the stars.

The After-Dinner Mysteries opens in cinemas Aug 22.


「我報」 2012年6月29日

[2013年7月28日7時18分 紙面から]


 櫻井が普段の冷静さを失った。「あ、ジョージルーカス!」「えー、これはちょっとすごいことになってる~。ウソみたい!」。ラッフルズホテルに宿泊した世界のVIPの写真が飾られた廊下「Hall of Fame」。手に持っていた携帯電話で、この日から飾られた自分の写真もしっかり撮った。





 ◆「謎解きはディナーのあとで」 11年秋にフジテレビ系で放送された連続ドラマの映画化で、毒舌執事(櫻井)と令嬢刑事(北川景子)らが、シンガポールへ向かう豪華客船で起きた殺人事件を解決していく。シンガポールプレミア上映会には北川、椎名桔平も出席した。海外はシンガポールのほか、台湾で8月9日、香港で9月5日から上映される。シンガポールでは映画館25館のうち、半数近くの10館で上映予定。